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Wheat Genomic DNA

PLG-1084 Category:
Wheat Genomic DNA



9972 in stock

Product Description

Wheat genomic DNA is a highly pure intact high molecular size DNA. It is extracted from plant leaves and treated with DNase-free RNase to remove contaminant RNA. Genomic DNA is precisely measured by Nanodrop (a spectrophotometer technology) and stored at -80oC

PCR Amplification, Southern blot analysis, genomic DNA methylation, single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) Analysis, profiling studies in gene expression, and DNA library construction

Quality Control:
The integrity and purity of genomic DNA was tested by agarose gel electrophoresis and spectrophotometer, ratio of A260/280 is >1.8, successful PCR amplification of Beta-Actin, and successful digestion of DNA by EcoR1 and/or Hind III enzyme.

Genomic DNA is routinely provided in TE buffer at a concentration of 0.5mg/ml or 1mg/ml and shipped on blue for overnight delivery.

MSDS and Certificate of Analysis in PDF files: Contact Zyagen Technical Support at