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Mouse CD1 Embryo, Placenta, Mammary WB

Pregnancy-staged mouse whole embryo, placenta, and mammary gland tissue Western blots are made of high quality total protein which is subjected to rigorous quality control procedures before fractionation through large SDS gel. Total protein is extracted from whole embryo, placenta, and mammary gland of pregnant CD1 (ICR) mice. Pregnancy is precisely determined by observation of vaginal plug. Plug date is considered day one of gestation.
Blots allow you to quantify changes in the protein expression in embryo, placenta, and mammary gland at different stages of pregnancy.
  • Ready-to-use Western blots from high quality tissue lysates that are difficult to obtain because of size, high-protease tissue content, or anatomical complexity of the tissues which requires knowledge, experience, and technical skill to dissect the areas of interest freely of any surrounding tissues.
  • Saving labor by eliminating tedious and time-consuming laboratory procedures (harvesting and homogenization of tissues, protein extraction, quantification, gel electrophoresis, and blotting).
  • High standards of quality control
  • Economic, using multiple tissues at a cost much lower than it would take to do in your laboratory. Think to labor and cost of laboratory materials, supplies and  animals (purchasing, transportation, housing, disposable of carcasses and waste materials).
  • Reusable for at least two times, just strip and use with other antibody.
Quality control:
Every step of preparation of blots, from harvesting tissues and extraction of protein to blotting is carefully monitored to ensure the superior quality and performance.
  • Blots are made from high quality tissue lysates that is homogenized in a protein lysis buffer containing cocktail of 7 mammalian protease inhibitors. The quality of protein as indicated by the absence of smear (no degradation) and sharpness and resolution of protein bands are verified by denatured SDS-PAGE with Coomassie blue staining.
  • The efficiency of transfer is routinely checked by staining protein on membranes with reversible Ponceau staining.
The total protein samples  (75ug each ) are freshly extracted from tissues, boiled in SDS sample buffer, fractionated though 12.5% SDS-denaturing large polyacralamide gel eletrophoresis (SDS PAGE), and blotted onto PVDF membranes.  Each blot contains protein samples plus one prestained protein molecular weight standards. Each blot is shipped in a sealed bag at room temperature and is good for one year if properly stored dry at 4oC in a sealed bag with descant.
Custom Services: Zyagen also offers custom services to make ready-to-use Western blots of any set of tissues of any species specifically prepared to meet your applications, contact technical support at or at 858 546 0720  for more information.

Mouse CD1 (ICR) Embryo, Placenta, and Mammary Western Blots:

Lane# Whole Embryo WB Placenta WB Mammary Gland WB
Cat.#: MW-104 Cat.#: MW-413 Cat.#: MW-414
M Potein Marker  Protein Marker   Potein Marker
1 Embryo, E10 Pregnancy, E10 Pregnancy, E10
2 Embryo, E11 Pregnancy, E11 Pregnancy, E11
3 Embryo, E12 Pregnancy, E12 Pregnancy, E12
4 Embryo, E13 Pregnancy, E13 Pregnancy, E13
5 Embryo, E14 Pregnancy, E14 Pregnancy, E14
6 Embryo, E15 Pregnancy, E15 Pregnancy, E15
7 Embryo, E16 Pregnancy, E16 Pregnancy, E16
8 Embryo, E17 Pregnancy, E17 Pregnancy, E17
9 Embryo, E18 Pregnancy, E18 Pregnancy, E18
10 non-pregnant

Showing all 3 results